The move to renewable materials

Environmental sustainability is important for our world and our future. That is why Ariel has both short- and long-term sustainability goals.

One of our most important long-term goals is to use 100% renewable or recycled materials for all products and packaging. We are committed to overcoming the technical challenges involved in reaching this goal and are working towards new technologies to replace non-renewable raw materials with materials derived from plants, which are a renewable resource.

Our main reason for turning to renewable ingredients is to help the world transition towards a circular economy. A circular economy is one that uses the planet’s resources efficiently and sustainably – moving away from a society that is wasteful, and is instead based on principles and technologies that focus on reusable, recyclable, and biodegradable resources.

What exactly are renewable materials?

A renewable material is a natural resource that can be replenished as quickly as it is used. Therefore plants are a renewable resource as more plants can be grown again after a crop is harvested. This is in comparison to those that are based on fossil resources, which are non-renewable because they take millions of years to form. Although it is a good starting place to use more renewable materials, it is also important to ensure the supply of those materials is truly renewed sustainably. Therefore, it is our aim to both increase our use of renewable materials and ensure we source our materials in a responsible, sustainable manner. We are working with the Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials to help us ensure that the plant-based materials we use are sustainably sourced.

What steps have been taken to ensure sustainable sourcing of renewable materials?

P&G partners with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to focus on sustainable sourcing of materials for our products and packaging. As we move to using more renewable materials, we want to ensure that production is safe for the environment and the ecosystems and respects the rights of the local communities. Over the last few years, we have partnered with WWF to ensure we understand and address the challenges of sustainably sourcing renewable materials, and they have helped us set a number of goals on this topic. Find out more about our P&G corporate approach to sustainable sourcing.