How to wash white sheets and bed linen

Washed White Sheets

Washing white sheets and bed linen

Your bed should be a calm and peaceful retreat. You deserve ultimate comfort in perfectly clean and nice smelling, absolutely fresh sheets. Just follow these steps and have a brilliant sleep on your freshly washed pillows. Night, night!

  1. Read all labels and clothing care symbols to be sure you don't have any specific cleaning requirements to follow. Most sheets can be washed at home in your washing machine, but specialty fabrics may require careful consideration.

  2. The longer a stain sits, the harder it is to remove, so create a soaking solution by filling a sink or bucket with warm water and half a scoop of Ariel Original Washing Powder. Mix the solution thoroughly by hand before soaking the sheet for an hour. If it keeps floating to the top, use a white towel to keep it immersed. After it has soaked, gently wring out the excess before adding it to your wash as normal. That way your stains will lift right off before they get a chance to set.

  3. Use the hottest water setting on your washing machine that’s safe for the material. Polyester blends are best washed using warm water, while cotton can tolerate hot water. Hotter water kills the most germs and takes care of dust mites that thrive in bedding.

  4. Wash at least once every other week. Although it is sometimes easy to forget to wash your sheets, think of it this way: Some people spend more time in bed than they do in their clothing. We wash our clothing regularly, so bed sheets shouldn't be any different.

  5. Separate by colour. Just like clothing, dark colours or reds can dull or bleed onto lighter colours.

  6. Hang sheets to dry outside, if possible. Sunshine is a natural disinfectant and helps brighten whites. If you can, do this every couple months. If weather or time doesn't permit, tumble dry your sheets with a sheet of fabric softener.

  7. Always iron bed linen, because ironing helps kills the last of the germs and dust mites that might remain after the wash. Ironing also helps you easily store bed linens.

Ariel Original Washing Powder when it comes to washing whites for outstanding and bright results at all temperatures.

What temperature to use when washing white sheets and bed linen? Hot or cold?

When washing the sheets that you spend about a third of your day in, nothing’s more important than that they come out of the machine clean and white. However, you’ve still got to deal with the age-old dilemma: are you supposed wash your sheets and bed linen in hot or cold water? During your sleep, sheets become soiled from body oils, surface dirt and body fluids, which contain germs that can only be killed with hot water. A hot wash will also take care of dust mites, which can thrive in bedding. Wash your polyester blends with warm water, and your cotton sheets with hot water, at least once every other week for a clean sleep.